FasciaBlaster for Cellulite

So, let’s talk about cellulite. Specifically, about how you use the FasciaBlaster for cellulite. It seems to be the main pain point that initially draws most users to the Fasciablaster products. It’s also the selling point the Fasciablaster creator Ashley Black has led with, most obviously with her bestselling book, The Cellulite Myth.

What is Cellulite?

Ashley Black would say there’s no such thing as cellulite. Those areas are simply where the fascia is unhealthy and often has adhesed (i.e. stuck, as in “adhesive”) to another tissue, most likely the muscle. The dents in the above photo are where the fascia is stuck and the bumps are where the fat is kind of bulging out between the stuck areas.

Here’s a video of Ashley Black giving a visual of what cellulite is:

Four Types of Cellulite

In her book, Ashley outlines four types of cellulite. Unfortunately, she’s given these types very unscientific names and I feel a bit ridiculous going over them here because of that. But I’ll persist..

The thing is, it’s not that important to know what kind you have, as the prescription is the same for all of them. (Use the Fasciablaster for cellulite!) Most people have a combination of the types anyway. Somewhere on my body, I have each type of cellulite.

The way it’s been most useful to me is that different types repair on different timelines, so it was nice to have that understanding during the process of fixing them using the FasciaBlaster for cellulite. Here are the four types summed up quickly and their timeline for fixing them:

Hail Damage

  • lumpy/bumpy all over
  • quickest to fix because the fascia is unhealthy at the surface level
  • bruises a lot as being fixed

Car Wreck

  • dents, lines, divots
  • surface layers must be restored before the dents will come out
  • it’s a process, so it takes a while

Gummy Bear

  • feels gummy, no muscle definition
  • atrophied muscles, fat, & fluid clumped together
  • gets worse before getting better
  • ideal to work on activating muscles as part of the process
  • takes a long time to see results

Beyond Bound

  • fascia is so tight, can’t pinch/pull up on skin
  • least healthy type of cellulite
  • doesn’t look bad to the eye, as the fascia is all in one “bound” chunk
  • as chunk breaks up, gets “worse before better” (i.e. goes through a stage of looking lumpy/bumpy before smooths out)
  • takes the longest to fix
  • PS My “Hail Damage” pic above was originally “Beyond Bound” fascia

If you’d like to see some pictures of the different types with Ashley’s description of each one, check out this video:

Some of the my favorite Fasciablasters:

Original Fasciablaster
Mini 2
Cellulite Myth Book
Mini PaddleBlaster

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