DIY FasciaBlasting Sauna How-To

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In my last post, I discussed the pros and cons of building my own at-home sauna using heat lamps. In this post, I’ll tell you exactly how I did that for a little over $200. You can benefit from my experience, as I’ve learned some tips from using this setup as a heat source for … Read more

DIY FasciaBlasting Sauna Pros & Cons

Diy Sauna Feature Image

Because of the reasons laid out in this post, I decided to make my own at-home DIY sauna using heat lamps. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this. In the next blog post/podcast, I will do a How-To on making a DIY sauna. Pros of a DIY Sauna Convenience Because it’s right in … Read more

FasciaBlasting Heat Sources & Far Infrared Vs Near Infrared Saunas

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Why I Needed My Own Sauna When I first started FasciaBlasting, I didn’t use a heat source. I just did it in the shower, with the water turned off during blasting. I also didn’t get results. (Not a coincidence.) I started FasciaBlasting at the dry sauna at my gym and BOOM… results! But also. BOOM… … Read more

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