FasciaBlasting Heat Sources & Far Infrared Vs Near Infrared Saunas

Heat Source Post Feature Image of Sauna

Why I Needed My Own Sauna When I first started FasciaBlasting, I didn’t use a heat source. I just did it in the shower, with the water turned off during blasting. I also didn’t get results. (Not a coincidence.) I started FasciaBlasting at the dry sauna at my gym and BOOM… results! But also. BOOM… … Read more

FasciaBlaster for Cellulite

"FasciaBlaster for Cellulite" blog post feature image

So, let’s talk about cellulite. Specifically, about how you use the FasciaBlaster for cellulite. It seems to be the main pain point that initially draws most users to the Fasciablaster products. It’s also the selling point the Fasciablaster creator Ashley Black has led with, most obviously with her bestselling book, The Cellulite Myth. What is … Read more

What is a FasciaBlaster?

What is a FasciaBlaster?

A FasciaBlaster is a plastic stick-shaped tool with “claws” of various sizes that is rubbed over bare skin with the objective of manipulating fascia. The concept was invented by Ashley Black and is patented.  Fasciablasters are classified as medical devices by the FDA. They come in different shapes and sizes for different applications. The purpose … Read more

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