Welcome to My Fascia Journey
I have been using Fasciablasters for over 6 years. I sometimes hit some bumps on my journey (pun intended) and didn’t use it consistently. I have just recently had enough time and energy freed up to properly commit to the process and wow, am I having results!
And that’s what inspired me to create this blog.
I am not associated with the FasciaBlaster enterprise, but I’ve been addicted to the official Fasciablaster Facebook women’s-only group where women share their transformations. I get inspired by inspecting group members’ postings of before and after photos of legs and bellies and butts… and cheer them on. It’s an inspiring community of sisterhood.
My body is changing more than it ever has. I want to document this and share what I’m learning.
I feel like the amazing benefits of the FasciaBlaster shouldn’t be contained in the FasciaBlaster group. And quite honestly, my friends are sick of hearing me go on and on about the “blaster.”
I need a bigger platform.
Welcome to that platform. I’m going to post pictures of my flab and cellulite on the worldwide web with fearless wild abandon… Because something is finally working for me. And I’m freakin’ fired up about it!
I’m going to share what I’m learning and how I am transforming and restructuring my whole body armed with some funny-looking plastic tools and some good information (courtesy of Ashley Black). The tools and method are not very expensive and are accessible to most people.
And hopefully, that will provide some inspiration for people reading this. Because, here by the glow of our screens surrounded by a culture of body shaming, weight loss gimmicks and poorly executed medspa “fixes,” we can all use a little inspiration.
There IS another way.